Peptide Technology Platform
Chemistry Expertise
- Linear, branched, cyclic and stapled peptides
- 40-50 AA, mg to gm, singleton or peptide libraries
- Liquid, solid-liquid, hybrid, TAG-assisted, native chemical ligation
- C- & N-terminal, cyclization, backbone modifications and conjugation reactions
- Purification and characterization
Biology Expertise
- Peptide mapping/ fingerprinting
- Plasma protein binding using Rapid Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration
- Stability in buffer, simulated gastric fluids, liver, kidney, intestinal S9, hepatocytes or plasma
- Half-life, metabolite identification and profiling
- Pharmacokinetics and Quantitative bioanalysis: rat, mouse, dog, rabbit
- Mass/QTof spectrometry analysis
Track Record of Success
- Library development: linear/cyclic peptides, 2-10 mg, up to 50 mers, >95% purity
- Successful synthesis of challenging peptide moities
- Hydrophobic peptides with disruptors (dmb, hmb protected amino acids / pseudoprolines, chaotropic agents)
- Cyclic peptides (S-S bridging, cyclization, stapling, RCM)
- Process optimization to multi-gm scale
- Long chain peptides and foldings (>100 mers, NCL/KAHA)
World Class Infrastructure
- Silicycle mini block work station
- Automated synthesizer with online UV
- Up to 5 L reactors for scale up
- Lyophilization at scale
Analytical Capabilities
- Peptide characterization by UV, LCMS, HRMS and NMR
- Purification by RP Preparative HPLC (2000 to 40000 Da)
- Quality control of all custom peptides and peptide libraries